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20lb Organic Raw Paradise Reserve Cheddar Cheese Bundle

20lb Organic Raw Paradise Reserve Cheddar Cheese Bundle

Raw Organic A2/A2 Cheese, 100% Grass Fed

This bundle includes 40 8oz blocks of Organic Raw Paradise Reserve Cheddar Cheese. Our raw organic paradise reserve cheddar cheese comes from 100% grass fed A2/A2 Jersey Cows that are antibiotic free, hormone free, vaccine free, and GMO-Free. 

Our organic raw Paradise Reserve Cheddar is made with raw A2/A2 cow's milk and is aged 1-2 years.

This full-bodied cheddar has a smooth and crumbly texture. It’s reminiscent of a softer Parmigiano Reggiano. It’s great for melting or paired with figs and green grapes. It will be the star of your cheese board! Won 1st Place at the Pennsylvania Farm Show.

*Similar in taste to Parmigiano Reggiano; it may also have cheese crystals.

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Organic Raw Cheese A2/A2

✔️ Certified Organic
✔️ Raw Cheese - Never heated above 102 degrees
✔️ Handmade in Small Batches with Delicious Flavors
✔️ Made with Milk from Pasture Raised, 100% Grass Fed Cows
✔️ No Hormones, Antibiotics, GMOs, or Vaccines
✔️ Contains 100% A2 Beta-Casein Protein
✔️ We use Organic Animal Rennet in all our cheese making except the Kosher Cheeses which use Microbial Rennet.
✔️ Download a free copy of our Cheese Guide
✔️ Read all about our cheeses here

All of our cheeses are made with raw organic A2/A2 milk from 100% grass fed Jersey cows. No corn, no soy, no antibiotics, no added hormones, no vaccines.

Pasteurized (even just heated above 104 degrees) dairy kills the beneficial microbes that our intestines need to digest and assimilate the macro-nutrients that keep us healthy and strong.

Raw milk cheeses maintain the good characteristics of milk as it comes from the cow. These include myriads of the naturally present microbes in raw milk which aid in human digestion.

Raw milk cheeses tend to have more personality, a more robust flavor, when compared to cheeses made with pasteurized milk.

Learn more about the difference between raw cheese and pasteurized cheese here.

What is A2/A2?

In the past, there were only A2/A2 cows. These were the original genetics that produced healthy, hardy cattle that lived well off of grass and produced milk that was similar to all other mammal milk, even human milk. A2/A2 milk digested well and had the most health benefits as you can see in the health of our ancestors. Then, farmers began to breed cows for traits that produced the largest quantities of milk and were best suited to eat grains, without consideration to quality or the cows or our human’s health. This was to maximize yields and profits and sacrificed quality. Most of the healthy A2/A2 cows were bred out of the industry leaving many mixed A2/A1 breeds. Fortunately, a few remaining conscious farmers have been selectively breeding back in the A2/A2 trait and these cows are beginning to grow in population again. All our cows have been genetically tested and are A2/A2.


The cheeses made at Alpine Heritage Creamery are all made with milk from A2/A2 Jersey cows. That means that it contains 100% A2 beta-casein protein, which is more digestible. Some people who are intolerant to dairy can handle A2/A2 cheese.



Raw Organic Cows Milk from Grass Fed Cows,Celtic Sea Salt, GMO-Free Animal Rennet, Cheese Culture