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How Do You Like Our Meats & Cheese

posted on

September 11, 2024


This Summer has been our busiest Summer yet.

Typically, Summer slows down for us to make hay and than picks back up in the Fall.

Not this year.

You have keep us busy as beavers keeping up with all your orders of our Grass Fed and Pasture-Raised Meats and our Raw A2/A2 Cheeses.

We sold many of our Summer Bulk Meat Pork Bundles, Turkey, Chicken, and Lamb Griller Bundles, and sold out of our pre-order Quarter and Half Beefs.

Thank you so much for supporting us by buying in bulk. It helps us to move inventory and it helps you with big savings.  

Here’s the answers to your Summer Cheese questions

You are wanting confidence that our cheeses are made with animal rennet and not GMO-Pfizer Rennet. I’m happy to say we use animal rennet in all our cheeses EXCEPT our Kosher cheeses.

Click Here to learn all about our animal rennet cheeses.

Our Kosher cheeses need to approved by the rabbi and the rabbi tells us which rennet we can use. We use a microbial rennet for our Kosher cheeses. Click Here to read about our Kosher Cheese rennet.

Click Here to go to our FAQ page and get the answers to these questions and more:  

  • How long will our cheeses stay fresh?
  • Can our cheeses be frozen?
  • How do you ship your cheeses?  

Click Here to view and download our Free Artisan Guide to Alpine Heritage Creamery Raw Cheeses.  

Click Here to read about the A1 versus A2 Beta-Casein Cheese Comparison.  

Click Here to learn how we produce our cheese and watch a video about our process.  

Click Here to learn what's different between raw and pasteurized cheese.  

Click Here to learn about our Alpine Cheese-making and what makes it unique.  

Click Here to leave us a review.  

We would love to capture all your feedback and share it so others can learn about our 5-star raw cheeses. If you would please take a couple minutes and give us your feedback.  

This month’s special is our Raw Unsalted Cheddar.  

Believe it or not, our raw unsalted cheddar cheese has been selling like crazy. It seems like you have caught on to the additional health benefits of reduced salt and even in this case “No-Salt” cheese. Even without salt we make a delicious mild cheddar that will be very difficult to stop after just a couple bites.  

Can I Get Addicted to Your Cheeses?

We had a customer disclose that they had an addiction to our cheese. Well, I couldn’t think of a much better thing to be addicted to than our delicious and nutritious cheeses.

Again, thank you so much for our record sales this Summer. Your appreciation and purchase of our healthy foods sparks a fire in us to keep doing what we do best, which is:  

  • Grow Nutrient-Dense Pastures
  • Raise Healthy Animals
  • Rebuild Topsoil
  • Heal our Children and Our Planet.

Thanks again for all your support as Summer comes to an end!!

As the children head back to school or homeschool, stock up on our brain food – the healthy amino acids and essential fatty acids in our meats and cheeses.

Phoenix and the Simply Grassfed families

Connecting Food & Health

A2/A2 cheese

organic raw cheese

raw milk cheese

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Lucky Breaks

We had a break in the weather this week which melted the snow. The creek waters rose, the animals nibbled on some new sprouting greens, and we enjoyed the tease of Spring. I’m happy to report that of the two downed milk cows from the brutal cold last month, one of them, Dilly, we were able to get back on her feet with physical therapy and massage and save her life.

Blistery Weather on the Farms

Two cows went down. One did not make it. We are trying to nurse the other back. Besides the regular milking, bottling, feeding, and making butter, the daily routine now includes feeding the animals behind wind breaks, breaking ice in watering troughs, bringing many into the shelters, especially the sheep whose lambs are more susceptible to predators at nighttime.