Our 100% grass fed cheese is organic and nutrient-dense. Since it's A2/A2, it's easier to digest. It's also free of yucky stuff like hormones, antibiotics, or GMOs.
Raising animals on pasture replenishes soil naturally, year after year. Pasture captures carbon and supports biodiverse ecosystems.
When we provide our cows with open air and sunshine, plenty of room to roam, and ample biodiverse pasture to eat, they are naturally happy and healthy.
Best cheese I have ever had!
Raw Organic A2/A2 Cheese, 100% Grass Fed
Raw Organic A2/A2 Cheese, 100% Grass Fed
Raw Organic A2/A2 Cheese, 100% Grass Fed
Raw Organic A2/A2 Cheese, 100% Grass Fed
Raw Organic A2/A2 Cheese, 100% Grass Fed
Raw Organic A2/A2 Cheese, 100% Grass Fed
Raw Organic A2/A2 Cheese, 100% Grass Fed
Raw Organic A2/A2 Cheese, 100% Grass Fed
The cheese makers of Simply Grassfed are artists working in the European tradition, harkening back to their forefathers and mothers in the old country.
All of our cheeses are made with raw organic milk and are never heated above 110F. Pasteurized (even just heated above 104 degrees) dairy kills the beneficial microbes that our intestines need to digest and assimilate the macro-nutrients that keep us healthy and strong. Raw milk cheeses tend to have more personality, a more robust flavor, when compared to cheeses made with pasteurized milk.
The cows are only ever fed grass. No corn, no soy, no antibiotics, no added hormones, no grains from genetically modified Round-Up Ready crops. This is important.
The cheeses of Simply Grassfed are made with milk from A2/A2 Jersey cows. That means that it contains 100% A2 beta-casein protein, which is more digestible. Some people who are intolerant to dairy can handle A2/A2 cheese.
We only use Organic Animal Rennet in our cheese making.