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Our V.I.C.s (Very Important Cattle)

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July 10, 2023


We’ve discussed the unique benefits of our pasture's forages in the Virginia Highlands and the precision process we follow for making our high quality haylage.

Today, let me introduce to you…. Drum roll please…. “Stars of the Show” that turn all these wonderful nutrients into delicious and nutritious beef for our bodies.

BG Beef Cattle Mixes: Murray

Grey, Devon, Aberdeen Angus, Baldies


AHC Milkers: A2/A2 Jersey


First, a bit of History

Great Britain was known world-wide for her quality beef and lamb that had been bred for hundreds of years on some of the best pastures in the world. As the Commonwealth grew, she needed more meat to feed and keep Britain healthy.

In America’s Midwest, before the European invasion, Bison was king, grazing on some of the most ancient pastureland with grasses 10-feet tall and roots that mirrored the height below ground. They were capable of turning minerals deep in the soil into vital nutrients that sustained the natives with vibrant health and energy. Native Americans had no diseases like we have today and they had incredible energy.
Hunting bison was a dangerous occupation and yet still European hunters slaughtered 30 Million bison and shipped it back to feed England to keep the commonwealth healthy and strong.

With the bison nearly extinct, breeding hardy heritage cattle, that were masters at turning grass into nutrition, became a priority again.

During World War II, the government, pharmaceutical, and weapons companies subsidized industrialized farming and food production with genetic engineering, hormone-fed, mRNA vaccinated Frankenstein cattle like Holsteins and New Angus (no longer the true Aberdeen Angus Scottish breed of lore), that are larger than life, can only thrive on grains and chemical treated grasses, are terrible moms, and are so sick that they need antibiotics to survive .
Our VICs are mixtures of old heritage breeds that thrive on pasture grasses, do not need antibiotics because they are healthy, don’t grow as big as conventional cattle and take longer to mature which is an added cost for us, but well worth the health benefit. We select for these traits to include cows that are hardy, gentle, and good moms.

And, most importantly NO mRNA vaccinated Frankenstein cows.

Here’s Some of Our Very Important Cattle

Murray Grey


Aberdeen Angus




(cross between Aberdeen Angus and Hereford)


Our Devon Bull who gets it all done!


So, next time you bite into one of our juicy Super Ground burgers or our Delmonico (aka boneless Ribeye), close your eyes and honor these VICs for the beautiful work they do to keep us healthy.

Blessings to you and this beautiful, fertile country!
The Simply Grassfed families
copyright images © 2023 by Phoenix and SGF
Connecting Food & Health

beef cattle


cattle heard

grass fed beef

quality beef

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