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Simply Beautiful at the Garden

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April 25, 2024

I spent this morning leisurely walking the property and basking in the beauty of where we live and where our livestock graze and grow your grass fed food.

Not everyone gets an opportunity to experience this majestic land first hand, so I’m bringing you with me in photos.

Scroll slowly through these pictures, take a deep breathe, smell and listen to each one, and really drink from Nature’s full cup of glory.

We start out the barnyard gate and first meet the ponies.


Then our new livestock guardian pups come say, “hi!”


Up the hill to the work horses are grazing with the beef cattle.


Sheep on the fresh back pasture.


Sheep in the close pasture.


Jerseys and work horses in a near pasture.


Jerseys just freshened.


Jerseys calves.


Lambs with triplets.


Inter-seeded Mustard field.


Watch a Video of Our Mustard Field

I hope you enjoyed our walk.

Close your eyes and anchor this magnificent wonder.

We don’t get too many opportunities to breathe in the splendor of the world in which we live.

Feel free to return to this Photo Galley anytime when you are depressed or doubt God’s divine creation.

Or, come out for visit and experience Fat Cattle Kingdom first hand.

We would love to share this spectacular farm life with you and show you how lucky the animals are to live on some of the most nutrient-dense and clean pastures in the country.

Phoenix and the Simply Grassfed Families

Connecting Food & Health

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