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It's Turkey Season Again

posted on

October 13, 2023


At Burke’s Garden Farm, we have worked hard to pasture raise some of the finest quality birds for your holiday feast.And, we have Soy-Free options too!!

Our turkeys are a traditional "white" breed not the brown ones you see grazing on your front lawn. We raise ours to mimic their wild habitat with 10-acres of lush high-altitude chemical free grasses and legumes to munch as they run wild, pecking at bugs, grubs, and seeds.

They have access to clean air, spring water, and predators. Yes, we have electric fencing and guard dogs and still we loose a dozen or so each year to these clever coyotes and owls.

With a free and happy life comes some risks. And, we are committed to letting our turkeys run free.

We think our turkeys love it this way.

Better yet, since they are naturally happy and healthy, they produce high-quality, nutrient-dense food for you and your family's feast.

We have two options for turkey this year.

They are both pasture raised as described above, however, supplemented differently.

All of our turkeys are:

✓ Raised on chemical-free, open-air pastures

✓ Free of hormones and antibiotics

✓ Free of steroids and any vaccines to include mRNA 

✓ Fed a GMO-free feed


These turkeys spend their life free-ranging on our grasses, bugs, and grubs and we supplement them with GMO-free corn, soybeans, fish meal, small grains, and minerals.


These turkeys spend their life free-ranging on our grasses, bugs, and grubs and we supplement them with NO SOY. Instead we substitute a GMO-free corn, fish meal, small grains, and minerals.

Don’t wait till November.

Delivery services will increasing become overwhelmed the close we get. And, our turkeys are first come first serve so the longer you wait, the slimmer our selections will become.

Our turkeys range in size from 10-25lbs. If you need a specific size, I recommend ordering now. Inventory is limited.

We work on a weekly order/delivery schedule. Order before Sunday at midnight for delivery the following week.

All of our turkeys come frozen. Keep in mind that, to thaw a turkey, it takes one day in the fridge for every 4-5lb of meat. So, you'll need to start thawing a 20lb turkey 4 days before you need to cook it.

Don't need an entire bird for Thanksgiving?

No worries. We have a big selection of pastured turkey cuts, to include Turkey Bone Broth, Turkey legs, and Ground Turkey.

Don’t do turkey?

We have pasture-raised brisket, roasts, fresh hams, short-ribs, whole chickens, and whole filets as wonderful options on the menu. We look forward to co-creating healthy holiday memories for you and your family!!

Any questions? Please let me know.

Simply Grassfed
Connecting Food & Health



pastured turkey

soy-free turkey

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